University over! Hire me!
Hey all! It’s been a while since I’ve updated (I don’t know how many times I say that!)
But just to let people who randomly come across my site and for the regulars that come to see my work – a big thank you for all your support! I got the grade I wanted for my degree *cough* 1st *cough* with an average (top 6 modules at Level III) of 85% as my final mark.
I’ve been taking quite a bit of a break from the whole working-with-multimedia, but now I’m ready to get back into it all. I’ve taken on some personal projects and they are coming along really well.
I did a nice tidy dynamic XML banner in AS3 the other day. That can be seen here. And a few web sites are underway. None-the-less, I’m looking for employment in this bleek time of job hunting (damn recession!).
I’ve been eagerly preparing my work and I’ve decided to update my web site too. Anyway, going to continue with updating the rest and nose a bit on Facebook.