University Life
Visit: University Life
Creator: Zayd Junglee (Programmer/Design Implementator)
Time taken: 1 week
Platform: HTML, CSS, Javascript and Flash
Software used: Notepad, Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9, Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Adobe Macromedia Flash 8, Adobe Macromedia Contribute 3 and Adobe Photoshop CS2
This was a university project aimed at promoting life, at the University of Gloucestershire. It achieved a final mark of 74% (Grade A).
The website was created using Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. The presentational techniques used include javascript roll-over images, image map and layers, flash animation/buttons and CSS styling.
The website was designed as a template, so that each page could be easily created using Macromedia Contribute. It is a fixed dimension within the centre of the screen, therefore any resolution from 800×600 upwards will view the structure fine.
Taking into consideration several accessibility factors, e.g. ALT tags and a sitemap, has also given an insight into the neccessities for valid HTML and accessibility. Taking a week to create was a challenging experience, as I gave myself this target to see my potential achievement within a set time period.
The flash header accompanied with sound effects, gives an interactive feel and final touch to the whole website. I felt I accomplished a reasonable good-looking website within a strict deadline.