
Here you willl find examples of websites I have created over the years. This is using a combination of various languages to produce and portray the image of a companies, personal projects or a mere representation of a particular product.

Of these languages, the main ones include Flash/ActionScripting, HTML, Javascript and PHP/MySQL. There are many more languages that serve their own purpose, however, in general terms, you will find most websites you browse on the Internet are a combination of the above langauges.

In this section you will find projects I have completed, some of which are live, but others, discontinued. I have kept records of all my projects, demonstrating positive progression through learning various skills, which in turn help me determine a suitable architecture for the website in creation.

You will have access to the final design, plus various other information, such as the software used, time taken to complete the project and a brief description of what was involved.

The Internet is now (becoming) the norm for (online) resources. Businesses all over the world require fast, effecient and cost effective ways to advertise their company slogan. Working towards becoming a website/media freelancer, I believe I can offer a vast range of these services.

These services include static websites (websites where the content stays the same and required no further editing), dynamic flash websites (Macromedia Flash based websites) or content management systems (CMS – the use of back-end adminstration panels, where the user can add/edit/change the properties of specific elements within the website, including its content).

Therefore, to improve the quality of my work and to demonstrate the skills I learn to potential employers, an online portfolio of websites will be sure to give a great deal of motivation not only to them, but to me, as my work will clearly show my achievements.

I hope you find at least one of these creations inspiring! Feel free to send any comments regarding any of the work I have done.