Masato Web site
Visit: Masato Web site
Creator: Zayd Junglee (Programmer/Design implementator)
Time taken: 3 weeks (tough stuff!)
Platform: HTML, CSS, Javascript and Flash (PDA version included too)
Software used: Notepad, Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9, Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Adobe Macromedia Flash 8, Adobe Macromedia Contribute 3 and Adobe Photoshop CS2
This is the website section to the Masato E-Card created as part of a team University project. We achieved a total of 74% (Grade A), of which I personally felt could have been awarded 80%. The idea of this website was to portray the role of Multimedia, IT and Computing at the University of Gloucestershire Business School, Park Campus.
I felt my overall contribution to this website was of a high standard. As team leader, I successfully lead the group to create an easy to navigate website, fulfilling a range of criteria, that also met the <10mb requirement. I found the alternative platforms for the site (i.e. PDA version and text-only version) to be quite time consuming.
With a video and image gallery, the site would give the user, without doubt, an insight into what the University environment is like. A productive and well thought out introduction of “choose your book”, helped to label what courses the Business School had to offer.
Furthermore, a consistent lined-A4-page graphical template, gave a more student look to the website. Carefully designed graphics were picked to accompany the topics discussed.
Combining Macromedia Dreamweaver and Contribute meant a template page could be created, which helped in the reproduction of similar, layed out pages.
Overall the construction of the website, in terms of its source-code, was very clean and tidy, ledgible and easily updatable. I felt the use for template designs within Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver in conjunction with Contribute, helped to define and create a unique structure throughout the website.