Archive for July, 2008

Farewell Content Master…

July 25th, 2008 – 4:35 pm
Tagged as: Content Master

I took the last week off as a holiday. Not that I planned that! But I just so happen to have four days holiday left. And four days next week were the last days of work for me. So the two fit together pretty well. Towards the end of my industrial placement year, my workload […]

Anyone for Mini Golf?

July 15th, 2008 – 12:55 pm
Tagged as: Content Master

Since November 2007 a new building was being built for the media department, test department and a couple of other individual scattered in Tortworth House. Nevertheless, I got to spend a few days in the new building, moving my machine across and appreciating the newness smell as well as the expensive layout! It was such […]

AutoIt3 is class.

July 11th, 2008 – 5:18 pm
Tagged as: Content Master

My colleague got rid of M1841 from their project list, however a few days later it came back. Fortunately another project came in the way of my colleague’s schedule, so it was put onto me! I was glad all the creations of the Adobe Flash videos were created. That was the hardest/boring part! What came […]

Chuck-full o’ Animations

July 4th, 2008 – 12:43 pm
Tagged as: Content Master

It’s the last month of work! Wah! Time flies especially at the moment, when you’re enjoying the work coming your way. Just three more weeks here at Content Master. I worked a little bit on T-Mobile but not much. It was under control by my colleagues. The hard part about projects like this though, is […]