Expression yourself.
By the beginning of December, work at Content Master was becoming really quiet. However, we did have a new project rolling in – namely Microsoft Expression 2.0 Silverlight Marketing.
This project was to be an exciting one. We were targeting a whole suite of new software, where the earlier version has already been released, however the latest version was yet to be released near the beginning of the new year (around February time).
Either way, this week was a farewell to the project Longhorn. It is sometimes such a relief to be getting rid of work, as you know you’ve been spending so much time on the same content that it does get quite monotonous. However, there were some final synchronisations of animations to do. A couple of QA checks were required alongside a Melba.
A Melba was a quick new process to me, simply to check that the course content matches the requirements for a course release. It does a quick check at the file structure in which the course is built when importing/developing the course in LCDS. It then spits out a report that is accompanied with the course to outline if anything else missing is required.
Otherwise, next week, there was only one project running and we simply had to prepare for it.
So not much happened this week. A commencement on personal development ready to take on board Expression was required, as this was a completely non-MSL project – though obviously still Microsoft related.
I had already been told I was dedicated the Microsoft Expression Web 1.0 and when released, the v2.0.